

Tuesday, 15-06-02 16:13 - Age: 9 Years

Accumulation of rare variants in the arylsulfatase G (ARSG) gene in task-specific dystonia

Nibbeling, Schaake, Tijssen, Weissbach, Groen, Altenmüller, Verbeek, Lohmann

E Nibbeling, S Schaake, M A Tijssen, A Weissbach, J L Groen, E Altenmüller, D S Verbeek, K Lohmann (2015)  Accumulation of rare variants in the arylsulfatase G (ARSG) gene in task-specific dystonia. J. Neurol. 262:  5.  1340-3 May.

Last modified: 2024-04-04

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