cand. med. Karl Hartmann
Research interests
- The influence of intense piano-playing on the morphology of the brain
- 2006 bilingual Abitur at Ubbo-Emmius-Gymnasium Leer
- 2006 Internship at Institut für Humanmedizin der Universität Bremen
- since 2006: Medical student at the Medical University Hannover
Work erxperience
- Medical visitations at hospitals: International Neuroscience Institut Hannover / Neurosurgery
- Charite Berlin / Institute for Psychosomatic Disorders
- Vivantes Krankenhaus Berlin Neukölln / Neuroradiology
- Rambam Health Care Campus Haifa, Israel / Neurosurgery
- Nordstadt Krankenhaus Hannover / Neurology
- Nordstadt Krankenhaus Hannover / Traumatology
- Niedergelassener Pädiater / Leer
- since 2010 medical doctoral student at the Institute for Music Physiology and Musician's Medicine
- 2011 Student assistent at Krankenhaus Neustadt am Rübenberge / Traumatology
- 2012 pratical medical year at MHH / Hämatoonkology and Immunology,
- Nordstadt Krankenhaus / Surgery
- Nordstadt Krankenhaus / Neurology
Last modified: 2019-09-30
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