Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS)
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a form of neurostimulation that uses constant, low current delivered to the brain area of interest via electrodes on the scalp. Via tDCS the excitability of sensory-motor brain areas of the hand can be modulated and these areas can be activated or inhibited. We use tDCS in order to modify and optimize brain activity of the motor cortex in healthy pianists. Furthermore we apply it as a treatment in musicians suffering from a loss of motor control, such as musician’s dystonia (Furuya et al. 2013).
Contact persons
Dr. Michael Großbach
Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians’ Medicine
Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hannover
Schiffgraben 48Phone: +49 (0)511 3100-560
Last modified: 2017-04-05
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